Nestled between the Tsushima Strait and the Korea Strait, the island of Tsushima is a captivating piece of Japan that boasts a unique blend of rich...
Arts & Culture
The arts & culture section of 47 Regions delves into the rich tapestry of Japanese arts and culture, exploring everything from ancient traditions to modern expressions. This is your gateway to the fascinating world of Japanese arts and culture, perfect for art enthusiasts and culture vultures alike.
Top 8 Most Famous Samourai in Japan
The samurai, often seen as the epitome of the ancient Japanese warrior class, have fascinated historians and enthusiasts alike for centuries. Their...
Japanese Mushrooms: Everything You Need to Know
Welcome to the ultimate tour of Japanese mushrooms—a key ingredient that brings not just flavor but also tradition to the table. In Japan, mushrooms...
9 Traditional Japanese Instruments You Need To Know
Shamisen: The Soulful Storyteller Behold the Shamisen, a cherished stringed instrument whose three strings vibrate with tales of ancient...
Japanese Gods & Mythology
In the very heart and soul of Japan's cultural legacy, there's an enchanting and somewhat mystical universe filled with deities, legendary heroes,...
What is Torii Gates: Definition, Meaning and Types
In the heart of Japan's rich cultural tapestry, Torii Gates stand as serene sentinels at the threshold of the divine. These iconic structures, more...
The Art of Japanese Teapots: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Using
In the heart of Japan's rich culture, nestled between the folds of tradition and modernity, lies the humble Japanese teapot. More than a mere vessel...
Yukata vs Kimono: Understanding the Differences and Traditions
Yukata and kimono are two traditional Japanese garments that have a deep-rooted cultural significance. These elegant attires continue to be...
Diving Deep into Japanese Culture: Differences Between Geisha, Maiko, and Oiran
Japan, a land of fascinating culture and age-old traditions, has a rich history of arts that's intricately interwoven into its cultural fabric. One...
Udon vs Soba: A Deep Dive into Japanese Noodles
Japan, an island nation known for its rich cultural heritage, is also recognized globally for its delicious and unique food. In particular, the...
Ikebana Tools Guide: Essential Items for Your Japanese Flower Arrangement Journey
In the world of floral design, Ikebana stands out as a form that infuses life into flowers, branches, and leaves. A beautiful arrangement becomes a...
The Ultimate Guide to Ikebana: Japanese Art of Flower Arrangement
I. Introduction From the serenity of Zen gardens to the burst of cherry blossoms in spring, the Japanese have a profound connection with...